
What Happens When We Die?

The living of multiple lifetimes is known as reincarnation. The word reincarnation derives from Latin, literally meaning, “entering the flesh again.” Alternative terms are rebirth and transmigration, implying migration from one life (body) to another. Reincarnation was documented in written works from Ancient Greece and India over 2,500 years ago, and for the ancient Irish over 2,000 years ago.

“I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence.”
—Socrates (470 BCE-399 BCE)
is reincarnation real

Reincarnation was also a percept of the early Christians, as expressed by Origen, an early Christian scholar, ascetic, and theologian. Origen has been described as the greatest genius the early church ever produced. He is widely regarded as one of the most important Christian theologians of all time. Origen clearly understood the essential nature of reincarnation:

“Every soul comes into the world strengthened by the victories and weakened by the defeats of its previous life.” — Origen (184 CE-253 CE)

At the 5th Ecumenical Council in 543 CE, the Roman Emperor Justinian I condemned Origen as a heretic and ordered all his writings to be burned. This condemnation caused teachings on reincarnation to be banned by the Church. Later on, the Roman Catholic Church proclaimed in paragraph 1013 of its Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), “It is appointed for men to die once. There is no ‘reincarnation’ after death. [italics added for emphasis]” The belief in reincarnation was a real threat to the Church because if people learned the truth about it, they would no longer need the services of the Church. Despite the fact that Origen was declared a heretic and his writings were banned by the Catholic Church, evidently for his teachings on reincarnation and universal salvation, leaders of Christian churches today deny that these were taught by Origen. A professor of Early Christian Thought speaks to this issue in the following lecture: Flesh and Fire: Reincarnation and Universal Salvation in the Early Church.

Religious organizations typically do not provide their members with much information on the afterlife. But independent exploration into reincarnation is offering a fascinating look at reality beyond the physical plane of existence. Today, the Catholic Church is still trying to enforce CCC 1013, but it’s losing its hold on its followers. Fortunately, in this day and age, no one in the U.S. need fear being labeled a heretic or pagan under the threat of persecution. Now that education and information have become widespread, 38% of Catholic adults in the U.S. believe in reincarnation according to a 2021 Pew Research Center report. Afterlife research has exploded in recent decades. A brief look at overall afterlife research can be found in The Absolute Freedom of the Soul and Reincarnation in Chapter 12 of Unveiling Christianity.

Note: This section comes with several qualifications. In Earth’s three-dimensional material world of linear time, reincarnation is traditionally viewed in terms of current and past lives. However, in the non-material existence beyond space and time, all lives and experiences are simultaneous. Therefore, ultimately, reincarnation is a relative truth: It is relative to the incarnate soul or spirit in which consciousness happens to be localized, but the highest frequency levels reveal a single field of consciousness in which past and future lives exist simultaneously.

The books and videos referenced in this section are from a variety of sources. They include children’s memories of past lives, past-life and between-lives hypnotic regression, mediumship, research on earthbound souls, and historical documentation on reincarnation.

science-based awakening resources

Reincarnation Resources


  • Earth Association for Regression Therapy (EARTh)

    This is an international regression therapy organization founded in 2006 in Frankfurt, Germany.

  • Spiritual Regression Therapy Association (SRTA)

    The SRTA is an international-member organization of past-life and between-lives regression therapists. In addition to offering regression services to the public, SRTA offers training programs for performing regressions.

  • The Newton Institute

    The mission of the Newton Institute is to raise personal and collective consciousness by bringing the healing and wisdom of life-between-lives to individuals around the globe, reawakening their immortal identity and integrating their spiritual consciousness into their human consciousness, so they may live its unconditional love and wisdom.

  • University of Virginia School of Medicine, Division of Perceptual Studies (UVA DOPS)

    The core research mission of the DOPS is the rigorous evaluation of empirical evidence for exceptional human experiences and capacities that bear on whether mind and brain are distinct and separable and whether consciousness survives physical death. DOPS examines the impact of such experiences on individuals and the general public, explores the implications for scientific theory, and contributes to the serious study of the nature of consciousness and its interaction with the physical world.

Video Presentations

Articles on

Books about Reincarnation

Note:  Book titles are linked to, which offers numerous book reviews.

The books about reincarnation fall into the following categories:

General Books about Reincarnation

Bache, Christopher, Ph.D.

Life Cycles: Reincarnation and the Web of Life
by Christopher M. Bach, Ph.D., 237 pages (1990)

Cayce, Edgar

Reincarnation & Karma
by Edgar Cayce, 168 pages (2006)

Cayce is the most documented psychic of the 20th Century. He has been called the “sleeping prophet” and the “father of holistic medicine.”


Cohen, Alan

Soul and Destiny: Why You Came Here and What You Came to Do
by Alan Cohen, 193 pages (2021)

Cohen infuses his understanding of the journey of the soul with a wealth of wisdom and sage advice to help you live an enlightened life. He has written over two dozen inspirational books that have been translated into over thirty languages.  


Cranston, Sylvia

Reincarnation: A New Horizon in Science, Religion, and Society
by Sylvia Cranston and Carey Williams, 381 pages (1984, 1999)

Fisher, Joe

The Case for Reincarnation
by Joe Fisher, 193 pages (1993)

A well-researched, thorough analysis of reincarnation up to the date of publication (1993). This book is nicely illustrated with a Preface by the Dalai Lama.


Fontana, David

Life Beyond Death: What Should We Expect?
by David Fontana, 214 pages (2009)

The late David Fontana was Professor of Transpersonal Psychology. He was a fellow of the British Psychological Society, and President of the British Society for Psychical Research. His many books have appeared in 26 languages.


Gershom, Rabbi Yonassan

Beyond the Ashes: Cases of Reincarnation from the Holocaust
by Rabbi Yonassan Gershom, 317 pages (1992)

This book describes Rabbi Gershom as a neo-Hassidic rabbi who stands in the long tradition of authentic Kabbalistic mystics and seers. According to the author, “…reincarnation is a fundamental part of Jewish mysticism and is widely believed among Hasidic and Sephardic Jews today.”

Book Review:   Beyond the Ashes: Cases of Reincarnation from the Holocaust by Rabbi Yonassan Gershom (The International Journal of Regression Therapy)

Jefferson, Warren

Reincarnation Beliefs of North American Indians
by Warren Jefferson, 203 pages (2009)

In addition to reincarnation beliefs, Warren covers other North American Indian beliefs about death, the afterworld and soul journeys. He also describes the rolls of shamans and medicine men.


Jenkins, Peter Watson, MA, MH

Exploring Reincarnation: A Study Guide from the Masters of the Spirit World
by Peter Watson Jenkins, MA, MH; channeled by Toni Ann Winninger, 238 pages (2011)


How I Died (and What I Did Next): Souls Explain How They Experienced Physical Death
by Peter Watson Jenkins, MA, MH; channeled by Toni Ann Winninger, 276 pages (2010)



Lake, Gina, MA

Cycles of the Soul: Life, Death, & Beyond 
by Gina Lake, MA, 220 pages (2020)

This book was channeled by Jesus.

Gina Lake is a nondual spiritual teacher and has written over twenty-five books about awakening to one’s true nature. She has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology.

Makichen, Walter

Puryear, Herbert Bruce, Ph.D.

Why Jesus Taught Reincarnation – A Better News Gospel
by Herbert Bruce Puryear, Ph.D., 262 pages (1993)

This book is based on the author’s research of evidence in the Bible authenticating reincarnation.


Roberts, Jane and Butts, Robert F.

Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul
by Jane Roberts and Robert F. Butts, 480 pages in the 1994 edition (1972, 1994)

This was one of the most important spiritual books early in my spiritual journey. Seth Speaks continues to be a most relevant and hugely popular book.

Video:   SETH SPEAKS CHAPTER ONE By Jane Roberts

This video is the first chapter, but the entire book is linked to this chapter. It is read by Martin John.

Video:   The Only Existing Video of Seth Speaking Through Jane Roberts With Some Additional Goodies

Article:   Seth Material (on Wikipedia)

Rother, Steve and The group

Crossing the Veil: What Happens When You Die?
by Steve Rother and The group, 157 pages (2022) 

This book is channeled from a group of nine spirits.


Sogyal Rinpoche

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
by Sogyal Rinpoche, 425 pages (1992) 

The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying has sold over two million copies and printed in 30 languages. The author draws much of his material from The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol in Tibetan), which was originally composed in 8th Century Tibet. There is no eternal soul in Tibetan Buddhist teaching. Rather, there is a cycle of transmigration involving rebirth and redeath as the essential nature of existence. Sogyal Rinpoche’s interpretation of rebirth as outlined in The Tibetan Book of the Dead has little in common with reincarnation as recently researched in the west. This book is included here to help dispel a commonly held belief that reincarnation is a Buddhist tenet.

TenDam, Hans

Exploring Reincarnation: The Classic Guide to the Evidence for Past-Life Experiences
by Hans TenDam, 448 pages (1990, 2003)

This book contains a broad coverage of reincarnation, including past-life regression.

Van Praagh, James

Adventures of the Soul: Journeys through the Physical and Spiritual Dimensions
by James Van Praagh, 159 pages (2014)

James Van Praagh is a bestselling New York Times author. The content for this book is from the author’s experience as a medium; he is not a past-life regressionist. Several of his other books can be found in the Mediumship resource page.

Yogananda, Paramahansa

Autobiography of a Yogi

by Paramahansa Yogananda, 592 pages (1946, 1998)

Autobiography of a Yogi is considered a spiritual classic. It has sold over four million copies in over fifty languages. Paramahansa Yogananda was my first spiritual teacher when I began my spiritual journey. This book was my first exposure to eastern mysticism, and I found it to be transformational.


Books about Children’s Past-Life Memories

Dyer, Dr. Wayne W. and Dee Garnes


Hardo, Trutz

Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today
by Trutz Hardo, 234 pages (2000)

One of the most thorough books about research validating children’s past life memories. The stories of their past-life memories are fascinating. Hardo is the most well-known expert on reincarnation and regression therapy in Germany. 


Harrison, Mary and Peter

The Children that Time Forgot
by Mary and Peter Harrison, 129 pages (2014)

Originally published in 1983, these accounts of children’s past-life memories are remarkable considering their place and time. These occurred in Great Britain, which was largely Christian, and in the early 1980s little was known about reincarnation there. 


Leininger, Bruce and Leininger, Andrea

Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot 
by Bruce and Andrea Leininger with Ken Gross, 256 pages (2009)

New York Times bestseller

Myers, Andy

The Sky Diaries: A True Story of Reincarnation
by Andy Myers, 374 pages (2021)

Pasricha, Satwant K., Ph.D.

Claims of Reincarnation: An Empirical Study of Cases in India
by Satwant K. Pasricha, Ph.D., 304 pages (1990, 2019)

Dr. Pashicha worked with Ian Stevenson for a period of time.

“Dr. Satwant Pashricha is a giant in the field of empirical investigation of past-life claims.” — Jim B. Tucker, author of Before: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives

Stevenson, Ian, M.D.

Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect 
by Ian Stevenson, M.D., 248 pages (1997)

This book summarizes Stevenson’s findings, which are presented in full in the multi-volume work titled Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects.
Ian Stevenson, M.D., was one of the most venerated individuals in the field of reincarnation research. 

Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation
by Ian Stevenson, M.D., 396 pages (1966)

“If Sigmund Freud is equated with psychology…then Ian Stevenson must be acknowledged in the same way for his research into reincarnation.” – Trutz Hardo, author of Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today (listed above)

Video:   Scientific Evidence for Reincarnation by Dr. Ian Stevenson

Tucker, Jim, M.D.

Before: Children’s Memories of Previous Lives 
by Jim B. Tucker, M.D., 544 pages (2021)

Dr. Tucker took over the work of the esteemed pioneer Ian Stevenson upon his retirement in 2002.

Books about Past-Life and Between-Lives Regression

These books provide information about the results of people’s past-life and between-lives hypnotic regressions.

Backman, Dr. Linda

Bringing Your Soul to Light: Healing Through Past Lives and the Time Between
by Dr. Linda Backman, 240 pages (2009)

Dr. Backman studied and taught with Dr. Michael Newton and co-created what is now known as The Newton Institute.

Barham, Ann C., MA, LMFT

Blankinship, Bryn

The Limitless Soul: Hypno-Regression Case Studies into Past, Present and Future Lives
by Bryn Blankinship, 215 pages (2019)

Bryn Blankinship trained under Michael Newton, Roger Woolger, Brian Weiss and others. She served on the original board of the Newton Institute and founded the Hypnotic Solutions Hypnosis Center.

Cannon, Dolores

 Between Death and Life: Conversations with a Spirit
by Dolores Cannon, 290 pages (1993, 2013)

 Jesus and the Essenes
by Dolores Cannon, 292 pages (1992, 2009)

This is a very popular book by a widely read spiritual teacher. The book is based on the audio recordings of the past-life regression of an American woman. In that lifetime she lived as Suddi, a male spiritual teacher in the Jewish sect of the Essenes, who played an important role in the early life of Jesus. Suddi lived in the ancient community of Qumran, by the Dead Sea (where the Dead Sea Scrolls were eventually found in about 1950). The book is a fascinating account told by Suddi’s spirit.

Jesus left Nazareth in his youth to live in the Qumran community for his education. He was joined there by his cousin, who would eventually become known as John the Baptist. Suddi taught the two of them together as their spiritual teacher, and as Essenes, they believed in reincarnation. Suddi shares his insights of the boys during the time he was teaching them, and also what he knew about their lives after they left the community. He witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, which he recounts.


Demarmels, Ursula

Spiritual Regression: For Peace and Healing
by Ursula Demarmels 232 pages (2015)

Demarmels has conducted over 6,000 past life regressions. She is the leading European regressionist and has been seen by 52 million television viewers.

Website:  (in German) 

Video:   Good and Bad Karma. A Journey Into a Past Life and the Beyond. (with English subtitles) 

Elsen, Pieter, Ph.D.

When Souls Awaken: Real Life Accounts from Past-Life and Life-Between-Lives Regressions
by Peter Elsen, Ph.D. 332 pages (2019)

Elsen was born and educated in The Netherlands. Eventually, he was trained and accredited by The Newton Institute for Life-Between-Lives Hypnotherapy.

Newton, Michael, Ph.D.

Life between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression 
by Michael Newton, Ph.D., 222 pages (2004)

Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives 
by Michael Newton, Ph.D., 409 pages (2000)

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives
by Michael Newton, Ph.D., 278 pages (1995)


Michael Newton’s books are considered the gold standard of past-life and between-lives regression books, which I highly recommend. They have been translated into over 30 languages.


The Newton Institute

Wisdom of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives from the Michael Newton Institute
Contributers: Ann Clark, Ph.D., RN; Joanne Selinske; Marilyn J Hargreaves; and Karen Joy; 255 pages (2019)

Llewellyn’s Little Book of Life Between Lives
by The Newton Institute, 278 pages (2018)

Schwartz, Robert

Robert Schwartz is a past-life and between-lives regressionist. His books are excellent. In Your Soul’s Love, he incorporates between-lives soul regressions that he facilitated as a skilled hypnotist and also the work of several gifted mediums and channels. His two older books are based solely on material from mediums and channels, but I have chosen to group all of his books in this category.


Video:   The Life Your Soul Planned Before You Were Born

Snow, Robert L.


Tomlinson, Andy

Exploring the Eternal Soul: Insights from the Life between Lives
by Andy Tomlinson, 343 pages (2007, 2018)

Andy Tomlinson is a founder-member of the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association, the Earth Association of Regression Therapy, and the Society for Medical Advance and Research for Regression Therapy. Andy practices in the UK.

Wambach, Helen, Ph.D.

Life Before Life
by Helen Wambach, Ph.D., 212 pages (1979)

Website:   Reliving Past Lives: The Evidence Under Hypnosis
by Helen Wambach, Ph.D., 200 pages (1978)

Weiss, Brian L., M.D.

Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy
by Brian L. Weiss, M.D., 226 pages (2004)

Dr. Weiss is a psychiatrist and best-selling New York Times author.

Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited
by Brian L. Weiss, M.D., 175 pages (1996) 


Weiss, Brian L., M.D., and Weiss, Amy E., M.S.W.

Miracles Happen: The Transformational Healing Power of Past-Life Memories
by Brian L. Weiss, M.D., and Amy E. Weiss, M.S.W., 344 pages (2012)


Video:   Reincarnation Proved

Whitton, Joel L., M.D., Ph.D., and Fisher, Joe

Life Between Life: Scientific Explorations into the Void Separating One Incarnation from the Next
by Joel L. Whitton, M.D., Ph.D. and Joe Fisher, 198 pages (1986) 

Woolger, Roger

Healing Your Past Lives: Exploring the Many Lives of the Soul
by Roger Woolger, Ph.D., 104 pages (2004)


Books about Earthbound Spirits (Souls)

Upon death, some people’s spirits (souls) do not make it to the nonphysical realms for a variety of reasons and become stuck on earth. Some of these are perceived as ghosts and poltergeists. Others attach to people (attachments), while still others possess or inhabit them (possessions). People suffering from an attachment or possession can find relief through Spirit Releasement Therapy.

Allen, Sue

Spirit Release: A Practical Handbook
by Sue Allen, 235 pages (2007)

Sue Allen is a psychotherapist, healer and teacher. Her book has been used as course material at the College of Psychic Studies in London.

Baldwin, William J., Ph.D.

Healing Lost Souls: Releasing Unwanted Spirits from Your Energy Body
by William J. Baldwin, Ph.D., 307 pages (2003)

Dr. Baldwin is considered one of the most influential authors in the field of Soul Releasement. Baldwin coined the terms “Spirit Releasement” and “Spirit Attachment.” He also wrote Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual.


Denning, Hazel M., Ph.D.

True Hauntings: Spirits with a Purpose
by Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D., 220 pages (1996)

“Hazel Denning is the grande dame of past-life regression therapy, and True Hauntings is a gem!” — William J. Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D., author of Healing Lost Souls and Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manuel.

Fiore, Edith, Ph.D.

The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession
by Edith Fiore, Ph.D.,174 pages (1988)

Dr. Fiore’s previous book on reincarnation, You Have Been Here Before, is listed in the Past-Life and Between-Lives Regression section on this resource page. She is considered a pioneer in the field of hypnotic regression. According to The Unquiet Dead, she performed more than 20,000 hypnotic regressions with over one thousand patients.

Ireland-Frey, Louise, M.D.


Kowaleski, David, Ph.D.

Death Walkers: Shamanic Psychopomps, Earthbound Ghosts, and Helping Spirits in the Afterlife Realm
by David Kowaleski, Ph. D., 197 pages (2015)

Dr. Kowalewski is twice a Fulbright Scholar and twice a U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities grantee. He has studied with the shamans of many continents and is a graduate of extended training by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Psychopomp work—the escorting discarnate souls to the Other Side—has been one of the core shamanic practices since ancient times.

Wickland, Carl, M.D.

Thirty Years Among the Dead
by Carl Wickland, M.D., 476 pages (2011)

Carl Wickland was chief psychiatrist at the National Psychopathic Institute in Chicago in 1918. He later established the National Psychological Institute in Los Angeles where he continued his work in healing spirit obsession. His seminal work in the treatment of spirit obsession and possession is chronicled in Thirty Years among the Dead, which was first published in 1924. He is considered a trailblazer in his field.

Winkowski, Mary Ann

When Ghosts Speak: Understanding the World of Earthbound Spirits
by Mary Ann Winkowski, 238 pages (2007)

Ms. Winkowski has seen and talked to ghosts for more than 50 years. She was a consultant on the popular CBS television series Ghost Whisperer.