17. Healing from Toxic Theology

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 17. Healing from Toxic Theology In this chapter, I discuss the impact of fear-based messages that occur in many Christian churches. The sections are as follows:The Roots…

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UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Preface It was a big surprise to me when I realized that what I was writing about Christianity would eventually turn into a seventeen-chapter book, Unveiling Christianity. This…

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06. Critical Research on the Bible

UNVEILING CHRISTIANITY Chapter 6. Critical Research on the Bible In recent centuries, scholars and scientists have scrutinized biblical texts to gain an understanding of their complexities. Basically, there are two…

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Awakening the Third Eye

Did you know that we all have a secret gateway within us, allowing us to consciously connect with higher intelligence? At the exact center of the brain is a pea-sized,…

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The Health Benefits of Yoga

Practicing yoga has enormous potential for improving your overall health. Yoga can even extend your life.  It affects your entire body: your hormones, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, immune…

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How Yoga Can Enhance Your Brain

The Science of Yoga Part 1 of 3 “Scientists predict that we only observe and understand 4% of the universe in which we live. Similarly, we are only on the…

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